Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Nerdiest Book Ever Written

I found it.

Turns out it was hiding in the common room of a hostel on a remote island off the western coast of Ireland.

Before I get into explaining anything about the book, I feel like I need to clarify something: I am a nerd. That being said, let's get to work.

The subject in question is a book called Star Trek: First Frontier. This book is the nerdiest book ever written for three reasons, each nerdier than the last:

1) It is about Time Travel.
2) It is a Star Trek book
3) Talking dinosaurs.

I'm gonna say that again because I believe it bears repeating. This book has talking dinosaurs.

The gist of the story is that while doing something Kirk-y, full of bravado, and hugely important to the Federation, Captain Kirk and the crew """accidentally""" fall into another flow of time where humanity never existed. Pretty intense.

This book explores an understanding of timespace as a series of events that, if changed, the flow of time is altered and based upon these new variables, a new reality takes shape. I'll herein refer to this principle as a "mutable timeline". I'll get into the layman specifics of that concept another time.

At any rate, this book is very entertaining. The planets aligned and the leading dinosaur dorks and Star Trek nerds of the early to mid 90s came together to bring us this gem. It will satisfy all your sci-fi wants and needs. I call upon all nerds, physicists, trekkies, archaeologists, and starship captains to pick this one up and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Dude! I have a POWER! records audio story thats very similar... only I think in that one they just go to a planet that's LIKE prehistoric earth... with talking dinosaurs. And it's from the 70's.
