Friday, October 2, 2009

Time Traveling: Hubble Style

I'm glad that you were paying attention to my last post about modern day time travel. I talked about how even though we don't have a DeLorean with 1.21 jigawatts, we still sort of time travel through the means of recordings and other things. I'm glad someone noted the idea of how looking through a powerful telescope, like the Hubble, is another version of Time Travel because it gives me an excuse to talk about an image known as the Ultra Deep Field.

Let me drop some physics on you.

Light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second. That means that if something is about three-hundred thousand kilometers away, it would take light one whole second to travel that distance. It takes light from our own sun about eight minutes to reach us. I'll let the math about concept about that roll around your head while you watch this video

This video illustrates that each time we just look into the stars, we are looking into the past. Some of those stars could have gone nova and winked out as we were looking at the night sky, but we wouldn't know about it for thousands, millions, or even billions of years.

Beat that Doc Brown.

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